10 Lessons Learned in Coaching

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Book 10 Tough Lessons.jpg

10 Lessons Learned in Coaching


Being a coach is an honor and a privilege, but it is not easy! Especially for those that want to do it the right way. Mistakes will be made and challenges faced almost every day on the job.

This book will share a few lessons that may help in your journey as a coach:

Lesson 1: Life Lessons
Lesson 2: See Other's Perspective
Lesson 3: Learn to Plan
Lesson 4: Knowledge is Power
Lesson 5: People Over Scheme
Lesson 6: Genuine People Win
Lesson 7: Take Your Shot
Lesson 8: Create Lasting Change
Lesson 9: Keep it Simple
Lesson 10: Burnout Will Come

Be sure to continue to grow as a coach and keep making an impact on all of those in your program.

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